Table of Contents

1. Early-onset schizophrenia

  • epidemiology
    • childhood frequency <1/40K
    • 13-18yo: increased by 50x
    • resembles severe, chronic, treatment-refractory adult scz
    • extremely high rate of comorbidity: ADHD, dep, anx
    • M>F
  • etiology
    • neurodev
    • 80% heritability
    • 8x more in 1st deg relatives
  • dx
    • more premorbid social rejection, poor peer rel, academic trouble
    • insidious, starts with inappropriate affect or unusual behaviour
    • months or years before they meet criteria
    • auditory hallucinations are common
      • critical commentary or command
    • may lose function or may not reach expected functional level
  • no lab tests
  • ddx
    • may be manifesting ptsd or neurodev immaturity rather than hallucination or thought d/o
    • ASD, BD, dep, drug, organic psychosis
    • vs schizotypal: hallucinations, delusions, incoherence
  • prognosis
    • premorbid functioning
    • IQ
    • age of onset
    • response to interventions
    • family support
    • comorbidities
    • accuracy and stability of dx
      • 1/3 later dx with bipolar d/o
  • tx
    • psychoeducation
    • pharm
      • 2nd gen antipsychotics
    • therapy
    • social skills training
    • educational placement

2. Gender Dysphoria

  • epidemiology
    • most apparent <3yo
    • M>F (4:1)
    • no relation to gender conformity
  • etiology
    • genetics: no candidate gene, chromosomal variation is uncommon
    • no psychosocial factors
  • dx
    • DSM V
    • incongruence between expressed and assigned + self-perception
    • specifiers: with disorder of sex dev
  • ddx
    • schizophrenia (delusions), body dysmorphic d/o, transvestic d/o
  • prognosis
    • ~puberty: more anxiety
    • not necessarily transgender
      • >50% assigned gender, more extreme dysphoria usually leads to transgender
  • comorbidities
    • depression, anxiety, ASD
    • lifetime SI rate 40%
  • tx
    • therapy: family, individual, group
    • hormone therapy and surgery

3. Attachment

  • biopsychosocial pathology that results from maternal deprivation, lack of care by caregiver.
  • comorbidities
    • failure to thrive, psychosocial dwarfism, separation anxiety, avoidant personality, depression, delinquency, academic issues, borderline intelligence
  • normal attachment stages in K&S
  • stages
    • pre-attachment: 8-12w - orient to mothers
    • attacahment in the making: 8-12w-6m - attached to one or more persons
    • clear-cut attachment: 6-24m - cry when separated
  • sequence of behaviour in separation >3mo
    • protest: crying, calling out, searching for lost person
    • despair: lose hope
    • detachment: emotionally separates from the mother

Author: Armin

Created: 2022-06-21 Tue 18:17
